Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs
Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs
Experts, Utopia, Globalism and the Kingdom of God - Conversation with Joe Boot
For this week's episode, Church of England vicar Jamie Franklin was joined by The Rev'd Dr Joseph Boot to talk about issues arising from his new book Ruler of Kings: Towards a Christian Vision of Government . We talked about the cult of the expert, our propensity in the wake of the rejection of a Christian culture to deify the state and to thereby attempt to create a globalist utopian on the earth, and a Christian view of government which includes institutions possessing their own integrity and the right to exist independently of the state. We also spoke about the role of the law of God in society and how we might conceive of a Christian culture that eschews the putative neutrality of the secular realm.
Joe Boot - Twitter https://twitter.com/DrJoeBoot
The Ezra Institute - https://www.ezrainstitute.com
Podcast for Cultural Reformation - https://www.ezrainstitute.com/resource-library/series-index/podcast-for-cultural-reformation/
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