Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs
Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs
Top-Down Disaster Management
Church of England vicars with a difference Tom Pelham and Jamie Franklin survey the smoking rubble of western civilisation. This week talking about the failure of the managerial classes in church and state and taking in these stories:
- The UK goes to war against the Houthis.
- Lord Frost predicts total doom for Tories unless different course charted.
- More on the Post Office scandal and its sordid relationship with the Church of England hierarchy.
That and much, much more as ever. Enjoy!
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Rev J talking to Nick Dixon about Depression and Health Anxiety: https://currentthingpod.podbean.com/e/jamie-franklin-christianity-and-mental-health/
Hitchens on Houthi Attack: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12960047/PETER-HITCHENS-foreign-brawl-Oh-grow-fix-pothole-peppered-roads.html
Lord Frost Depicts Tory General Election Wipeout based on comprehensive poll: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/01/14/david-frost-election-poll-tories-rishi-sunak-keir-starmer/
Giles Fraser - Will the Church Follow the Post Office?: https://unherd.com/2024/01/will-the-church-follow-the-post-office/
Ian Paul - The Crisis of Episcopal Ministry in the Church of England: https://www.psephizo.com/life-ministry/the-crisis-of-episcopal-leadership-in-the-church-of-england/
Twits on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gracelandqueen/status/1742658603494805987
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